How To Uncap Download Speed

Oct 24, 2018 - You're trying to download your favorite PlayStation 4 demo or a new PS4 Pro compatible game from the PlayStation Store (PSN), yet that huge. [New Patch] Download-Speed. Comment below rating threshold. 2sec i download 1,2mb/s and next download is 40-60kbs for 20-30 sec! It depends on your internet speed. Mine was downloading at 100kb/s which is. I guess nearly the full speed, so no issues there. Yeah, I know people do have a worse download speed than me and I'm lucky for what I have right now (my best friend only downloads at 25kbs. Poor bas-tard lol). After a while, it went up to 5mbs but it went that high after about 80% done, which I find weird. Apr 17, 2018 - Ask a PS4 owner what annoys them most about their PS4 and chances are they'll say the slow download speeds. With games getting bigger. I don't have 10Mb download and 1MB upload, I have 1Mb download and 350Kb upload. But they CAN uncap the upload speed. I have a total of 11Mb speed on my line.

this past summer in toledo, ohio, 23 cable modem subscribers were found to have uncapped their modems. uncapping–removing software blocks that limit bandwidth to the node–is a violation of the service agreement the subscribers signed. typically, when a service provider catches a client in the act of uncapping that client is refused further service and possibly fined. in toledo this summer the uncappers were served search warrants.

paul shyrock, vice president of information technology at buckeye cablesystem, found the 23 violators, whose modems were uncapped to as high as 100 megabits per second, a speed the buckeye cablesystem network could not even theoretically provide. shyrock estimated that the cost of the theft totaled roughly us$11,000 for each of the 23 uncappers. that total is $3,000 above the minimum required for the fbi to get involved. 17 of the 23 uncappers that were served search warrants were actuallly visited by fbi agents.

one of the uncappers, brandon wirtz, estimates that the punishment has cost him nearly half a million dollars. wirtz was working on a smartcard solution for digital rights management for use with windows media player. his efforts won him a microsoft mvp award, and many clients. however, the authorities seized all the computers in his house save one–the computer in his living room, which happens to be the one he used to uncap his modem. they seized smartcard readers, his vcr, and many cd-roms, most of which were legitimately owned microsoft software. wirtz says he has lost time in his research and development, a book he had written (still a document on one of the confiscated computers), and income from clients who have been scared off by wirtz's run-in with the law.

wirtz's belongings may never be returned, though he may be given the option of paying $3,400, entering a 12-step program for criminals, and having this incident stricken from his record. wirtz claims poor wiring resulted in a poor connection with his cable modem, and that he uncapped the modem for a total of 16 hours to transfer a few larger files. the worst he expected was being dropped by his isp.

john weglian, chief of the special units division of the prosecutor's office, defends these actions against the bandwidth thefts:

cyber crime is potentially very damaging to society. we are taking a firm position on that type of criminal activity. we hope these cases will have a deterrent value, given the cost factors for the defendants in successful prosecutions.

many speculate that buckeye cablesystem was only able to involve the fbi because of the political “weight” of the family that owns buckeye cablesystem. the block family owns, in addition to the broadband provider, several major local newspapers, a local television station, a local dial-up isp, and more. the family purportedly has “political sway” due to these possessions.

read more at broadband reports.

thomas's opinion
this is ridiculous. uncapping is a violation of terms of service, but is it illegal? i think it probably is, but there should be definite laws on the books that define the punishment. obviously, if that's not in place things like this can happen.

uncapping is wrong. i think people who do it should be punished, but i think that the punishment should fit the crime. these people are not cyber-terrorists. we don't need the fbi getting involved.

this whole case hinged on shyrock's “guesstimated” total cost of the crime being $253,000, which i am tempted to call total balderdash. estimating the cost of uncapping is difficult. i doubt many cable providers can tell you how much each megabit transferred costs them. but it's easy to guess the right amount when you know how much it takes to get the fbi involved.

what do you think? was this punishment deserved? how should this sort of cyber-crime be handled?

user comments 116 comment(s)

boycott them(10:55am est fri nov 22 2002)
any service that deals with its customers this way should be put out of business. they should have at least approached and warned those uncappers before just calling the fbi and having their entire lives ruined.

by the scavenger

?????(10:56am est fri nov 22 2002)
i thought the federal involvement limit was $5,000, but never mind. does the fbi need to be involved in every fricking thing going on today? drop the buds from the isp and fine them. if they don't pay meet them in small claims court. but bringing in the fbi?

that guy could eventually get his computers back, if it was part of a civil seizure, but the time and money involved will be more than computers are worth. and for only 16 hours? a 12 step program for “criminals?” kind of like those kids who have to go to drug abuse counseling for brinign prescription medication to school.

maybe i'll think twice about a cable modem and stick with dial-up. jeez the lengths they'll go to nowadays to make a case…… by ziwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi

an example(11:03am est fri nov 22 2002)
this guy obviously has money and bidness…i think they wanted to make the point that business people who do this, instead of ordering business class internet service, are going to be prosecuted more agressively than the typical basement tinkerer.

and i'm not against that at all. if you have the money, step up to the plate and order what you need, don't steal it! by 505

disappointed(11:11am est fri nov 22 2002)
i thought this story was gonna explain how to uncap and *not* get caught. isn't this by boo!
another example(11:14am est fri nov 22 2002)
of the business community that buy political favors getting preferential treatment.

when will average americans wake up and realize their goverment has been hijacked by corporate america.

it's called facism people!!!
by techmaniac

bs.(11:16am est fri nov 22 2002)
wtf those lowlifes at buckeye should have cancelled or warned those users if they were so worried about losing money to the “intelligent folks” who were pushing the system. wtf!. punks. by doc_stihl
i agree with scavenger…(11:18am est fri nov 22 2002)
…any business that engages this corrupt federal government to raid people's home for this trivia reason is not deserving of our business.
the republic is dead. the u.s. is an empire for the global megacorps.
for this imperial stormtroopers to raid citizen's home for this is so insane, so evil. it is so out of proportion to the crime. if they were kidnappers or murders, yes – but for modifying a modem in violation of a contract?
only a nation of weak sheep would put up with this crap. by jefferson
stealing?(11:19am est fri nov 22 2002)
what's funniest to me is that most people who reply here don't think downloading/trading mp3's of major label artist's music is stealing but agree that uncapping a modem is.

no real point, i just find the irony in that to be delicious. by kwestron 2k2

uncap(11:20am est fri nov 22 2002)
now i need to figure out how to un-cap my cable modem. will the fbi nail us for hacking our dvd players to. please this is so bogus… by tauntline
eh?(11:20am est fri nov 22 2002)
so, someone steals, gets caught and gets punished.

what's the big deal?

heck, if they'll prosecute winona, why assume they're not going to go after bandwidth-stealing geeks? by hangemhigh

fine(11:24am est fri nov 22 2002)
i don't think the fine is out of bounds. it probably costs the system close to that by the time everything is processed (all the lawyers are paid). bringing in the fbi seems a little overboard… i suppose they were smuggling tcp/ip packets across state lines or something?… if the isp wants to play hardball instead of working with their customers, wouldn't local law enforcement be able to handle it?
cyber crime may be “potentially very damaging to society” but i think there is a difference between someone who is a little greedy with their bandwidth and someone who is stealing credit cards or trafficing child porn. the fbi should have better priorities. by robguy
bandwidth caps(11:42am est fri nov 22 2002)
in canada most cable providers cap the amount of bandwidth you get a month, then you pay arround 10$ per gig over the limite (limites are typically 6-8 gigs). by uncapping the speed you're not stealing, your just using up your allocated bandwidth faster… us folks are crazy :) by b|ister
hey by kwestron 2k2(11:43am est fri nov 22 2002)
downloading mp3's to burn to cd is not wrong because every blank cd you buy you pay royalties that are redistributed to the artists. even on cd's that you don't burn mp3's on you pay royalties. so in my view, this cannot be illegal if they're 'taxed'.

now, if the isp's started levying a charge on your bill for the cost of uncapping, then i would go ahead and do that too. by boo!

i live in toledo, oh(11:47am est fri nov 22 2002)

i am a subscriber to buckeye cable system service, and yes there family does have a lot of control the paper they own is very biased.

but i have never had any problems with there cable modems they provide what was promised. there down load speeds are around 1mb per second. i have had it for 3 years and it has only been down 3 times that i can remeber and never for more than a few hours.

i think they should have been warned before the fbi got involved but then again these people did break the law. by atheist

bill in black(11:47am est fri nov 22 2002)
maybe it was ms that pulled the strings to get the fbi involved, so that they can confiscate the poor guy's drm software.

“..the authorities seized all the computers in his house save one–the computer in his living room, which happens to be the one he used to uncap his modem.”

doesn't smell fishy…noooo by eyad

re: boo (aka wanker)(11:57am est fri nov 22 2002)
“downloading mp3's to burn to cd is not wrong because every blank cd you buy you pay royalties that are redistributed to the artists…”

time to get off the drugs, son.

so how much of that $0.50 for the cdr does the artist get, anyway?

sheesh, and i don't even download/burn mp3's and i see that “boo's” was the most assinine post in this thread!

also, the fbi would have to be involved over local authorities unless all traffic, etc. was within the local authorities' jurisdiction. i agree it's overkill for the fbi to be involved in this case, but whenever “cyber” anything is involved, it definately crosses state and national boundaries.

just my $0.02 worth,
by myrkat

to boo!(12:03pm est fri nov 22 2002)
you're a bozo. i don't know if you've realized or not, but at every store you go to, you're paying a slight markup to cover the store's losses to theft– even if you never have stolen before.

does that make stealing legal or right? hell no. time to re-think your philosophy.

hahaha… thanks for the laugh. by azdude

re: atheist(12:04pm est fri nov 22 2002)
hey, well isn't that nice, i'm so glad you haven't had any trouble with them. but, your comment that they did break the law is crap… maybe they did break the law, or maybe they just broke a contract, either way we're talking about punishment meeting the crime here.

if any company can just call the fbi stormtroopers in over any little simple contractual issue then imagine what that means? no longer will anyone be safe from overzealous, greedy, shit-headed corporations such as buck-eye.

this type of thing does not have a major impact on society as [buckeye] would have you believe. i doubt uncapping a modem would lead to someones death.
by the scavenger

… “would lead to someones death” …(12:17pm est fri nov 22 2002)

… unless you're bandwidth-hogging activity kept some other person's vital, lifesaving information from getting from point a to point b in a timely manner (say, a data transfer between hospitals regarding the medication allergies of a particular patient about to be wheeled into surgery).

however, it would (at this point) be really hard to prove the scenario as anything beyond coincidence, and i admit, even the scenario painted above is an extreme example. but it seems that people will find any excuse to sue nowadays…

my problem with the cable companies is that they aren't regulated as utilities (i.e., gas, electricity, phone, etc.) by the public utilities commission (at least, not here in ohio).

cable television is (almost) ubiquitous. if you keep losing your cable service to frequent outages and experience poor service, there isn't any place you can go here in ohio to get your dispute settled, except maybe the atty. general's office. and the “average joe” is just too little to worry about…

by k. adams

hmmm(12:40pm est fri nov 22 2002)
at what speed increase do they determine you have “uncapped” your modem? there are many legal cable modem boosters available at any software/hardware store. so it seems that i either need to actually figure out how to uncap so i can make a more intelligent post on what the difference is. by imnota
hey b|ster(12:40pm est fri nov 22 2002)
“in canada most cable providers cap the amount of bandwidth you get a month, then you pay arround 10$ per gig over the limite (limites are typically 6-8 gigs).”

“gigs” as in a gigabyte connection? i may be wrong, but isn't standard/typical cable modem service 768 up 128 down?

the majority of us cable providers cap c-modem speeds as well, and then you can pay extra to upgrade your connectivity as needed. i'm not 100% sure how canadien broadband works tho' by dm

over seizure(12:44pm est fri nov 22 2002)
the part that concerns me is how the government seizes items that have nothing to do with the chain of evidence. the article states, “they seized smartcard readers, his vcr, and many cd-roms, most of which were legitimately owned microsoft software”.

how the heck would a vcr be used in any way to uncap a cable modem? how would an original cd of microsoft office? for that matter, how would a smartcard reader?

in cases involving computers, they typically seize the entire system, including the monitor. this despite the fact that preserving the chain of evidence means removing the hard drive from the system and making a copy of it to examine. no writes whatsoever are to made to the original drive, which is the first thing that would happen if you boot a system with a modern os.

even if the person is proven innocent, they'll be lucky to get their system back, and if they do, they likely will have had to replace it during the interim, despite the fact that all law enforcement really required for evidence was the hard drive.

this guy broke the law and should be punished, but law enforcement should be restricted to seizing only items that are actually required as evidence. after all, we're supposed to presume the person is innocent until proven guilty, right? by lonnie m.

cry babies(12:45pm est fri nov 22 2002)
screw these guys, why bother f**king around, just bust them hard and send a big message. then the rest of you cyber punks will see what can happen, this is not a game play with fire and you might get burnt. funny how he is crying after he lost his ass, tough shit, whimp you should have thought about that when you were having fun, bragging how fast your connection was, etc. i do not feel sorry for this dumb asshole..
by whackedout
i am a buckeye subscriber, (12:55pm est fri nov 22 2002)
& i was shocked at the news. well, not shocked. of the people i dislike (bill's #1), paul block ranks as #3. i have delt with buckeye often for cable, t1s, & telecom services. like m$, buckeye will lie to your face. at one point, i had 56 cable modems at local cos for internet access. the thing that pisses me off the most about the blocks, is they're election control. they own cable, tv, newspaper in many cities in nw ohio, & are very slanted in stories. the commisioner of 20 yrs lost the race this yr because the newspaper came out every day with front page “news” about her the tv blasted dirty ads every hr. there are laws against this type of thing, but as with bill, some people are above the law. by tech
classic welfare thinking(1:00pm est fri nov 22 2002)
free, free, free. i want my…whatever….now…free.

free music downloads, free news, free email, free…

too many have been given too much by too hardworking (read absent) parents. (yeah, i know, it's their fault. they cared more about money…..)

i'm stunned at the number of adultbabies still dependent on their parents in their 20s.

it's not a crime…it's just bandwidth…it's capacity just sitting there waiting to be used….

make me barf. by cranky old man

ditto(1:02pm est fri nov 22 2002)
this disgusts me — this move reminds me too much of the gestapo. it is sick. by todd
re: k. adams(1:03pm est fri nov 22 2002)
… unless you're bandwidth-hogging activity kept some other person's vital, lifesaving information from getting from point a to point b in a timely manner (say, a data transfer between hospitals regarding the medication allergies of a particular patient about to be wheeled into surgery).

all such transfers are done over point to point dedicated links. not only is it more reliable, it's required to ensure that the patients information isn't somehow leaked to prying eyes. by dedicated line

more on the subject.(1:03pm est fri nov 22 2002)
i have looked into un-capping my modem, & decided not to. i have set my pc up to accept 64mb. i get peaks & lows, but they can't be upset for me “optimizing” my pc. i use myvitalagent to follow my speeds. by tech
let get something(1:07pm est fri nov 22 2002)
straight here-
what they should get is the death penalty.
the crime commited here is far worse than the punishment that's to be handed down. they didn't just steal from their provider, they stole from me! i invented the internet and technically it's mine! by al gore
allah be praised…!(1:35pm est fri nov 22 2002)
instead of chasing terrorists the feds act like a bunch of “keystone cops for hire”.

by kindergartner cop

they took his vcr?(1:40pm est fri nov 22 2002)
why? that has nothing to do with it. fbi can take a computer – but in this case i doubt very much that a terms of service can take anything more then the modem, if that. a fine maybe… not to mention the fact that alot of the e contracts change on the fly, who knows what they say later.

and of course if the company doesn't want people to un cap – maybe they should let it be faster. it used to be 500kps, then 300, now 100 now barely 50. comcast goes through 15 nodes before it reaches anywhere. i don't see speed anywhere – and it's this reason why people uncap. and it proves that it didn't hurt anything. by the one

stupid(2:00pm est fri nov 22 2002)
every subscriber should do the same thing or quit. a company that trods on customers in this manner should go out of business. this is bullying plain and simple on the part of buckeye. just trying to scare other uncappers. a simple bill for the cost of the abuse and a warning should have been enough. by none
uncap(2:14pm est fri nov 22 2002)
fbi barging in to take your computer (was this with a warrent) no warning from the provider in which could have simply shut down his service – next thing you'll see is martial law and quatering of troops in our homes! just for capping modems!! i wonder what'll happen when i spit on the sidewalk?! by runamukus
bastards.(2:27pm est fri nov 22 2002)
why the hell wouldnt they return his vcr.. wtf! by dx2
letter o complaint(2:31pm est fri nov 22 2002)
i think for every bastardy thing the authorities do i think evry person who thin=ks its just that shols end them a letter of complaint.

whats the point of anonymusly complaining about it. send them a letter and let them know.

ok maybe one evening a black van will stop at your house and youll dissappear. i heard gwantanamo bay is mean to be very nice this time of year. by do somthing about it

freedom?(2:42pm est fri nov 22 2002)
you aint seen nothing yet, wait for paladium/fritz…

you will endup as slaves for your government, but hé you are the ones that put them there in the first place…

but don't worry, it's the same everywhere…
by bassie.

re: dx2(3:10pm est fri nov 22 2002)
these people were targeted by the blocks for political reasons. the fbi took what the blocks told them to take. the story you are reading is slanted by the blocks to make you think that these guys are the average person charged. when in fact, he is the only person who was using the service for business. most were teenagers who's parents are political enemies of the blocks. by tech
man(3:27pm est fri nov 22 2002)
that is total bs. our government has been hijacked by corporate america. i completly agree with (whoever it was, im too lazy to scroll up) that the fbi has much better things to be doing with its time. also, wtf is up with this family owning everything of political influence in ohio. uhh…arent their laws against that kind of stuff? man, another one goes down the drain… by l0rd_3n1gm4
hey dm(3:58pm est fri nov 22 2002)

“gigs” as in a gigabyte connection? i may be wrong, but isn't standard/typical cable modem service 768 up 128 down?

no – gigs as in gigabytes of downloads!

i.e. if you download 1 gig more in a month than your allotted you get charged.

get it?
by fruityloop

this is exactly why 9/11 happened in the 1st place(4:28pm est fri nov 22 2002)
the fbi is too busy spying on americans to listen to warnings given to them about 9/11. they had advanced knowledge and ignored it!

by rollertoaster tycoon

idiots(4:31pm est fri nov 22 2002)
it's all about who you know, if you know feds and can make a legal case that shows someone uncapping a modem on your network amounts to stealing over $2500 and involves interstate transport then yes, technically it is a federal crime. if this one guy only uncapped his modem for 16 hours as he said, then he is most likely innocent of a federal crime and can in fact sue the cable company.

for people who actually were guilty they have two options, be accountable and get over it like a grown up adult and admit what you did, and/or change the laws.

this is the way the real world works kids, don't like it go back to the minor leagues and play your video games. if you want to play in the real world you better know the rules. by reaper

whaa !!!(4:46pm est fri nov 22 2002)
life goes on! quit crying… by me
don't blame it on companies…(4:48pm est fri nov 22 2002)
blame it on the stupid government! it's not corporations faults that the fbi is willing to sellout. the fact that they seized all that stuff that was unrelated to the crime, and the fact that they will never return it is disgusting.
the fbi should have turned down this request, as it was a meer violation of contract, and suing the man would have been a wiser option. the fbi should have only grabbed what was used in the crime, if and only if they actually have a warrent to seize that property. if they don't, that is a violation of our rights.
i know there's been a lot of libertarian talk on this form lately, but the libertarians are the only party which is insanely dedicated to the rights of citizens. read this article:

vote libertarian by mike

now i know(5:44pm est fri nov 22 2002)
i am a union rep at a large corprate it dept. now i know that when management violates our contract i can just call the fbi and they will arrest the ceo, vp's adn all managers. to think we used to grieve issues by union man
do it…(6:00pm est fri nov 22 2002)
would someone please teach me to “un-cap”. i want to, in turn, teach everyone i meet to do it too. by kropotkin
dam(6:30pm est fri nov 22 2002)
all i wanted was to get my porn faster. who would have thought by
canada broadband(8:23pm est fri nov 22 2002)
i used to think the canadians actually had a good deal going with their broadband, but only 6-8 gb's per month? i'd be paying $100+ per month extra becuase i transfer way more than that. my dsl is unlimited with close to zero eula. the only thing they frown upon is spam. no limits on how much, what, from where, to where etc. by etcetera
what case?(8:36pm est fri nov 22 2002)
how can that case hold up in court? you charge him with uncapping his modem illegally but you don't have the computer and modem that was uncapped as evidence??? by barbados
feel no sympathy(8:52pm est fri nov 22 2002)
the guy knew what he was doing was wrong. it doesn't matter if the crime fits the punishment. he commited the crime, now he will be punished. “don't do the crime, if you can't do the time!” for the author if this arictle to specualate about the family having political influence to call the fbi is irresponsible. i feel the feds were called to send a strong message to all and future uncappers. i am sure this guy will get his stuff back, but i am equally sure he will never upcap again. and if anyone here uncaps, then you should be the ones thrown in the jail for stupid people once the feds knock on your door. it is all about responibility, people. if the guy had never uncapped, the feds wouldn't have paid him a visit. by grow da f#$k up!
bandwidth(9:23pm est fri nov 22 2002)

you think a download limit of 6-8gb a month is tough? from feb 2001 to last month i was paying $125 per month for an account with a 512mb download allowance. every mb after that cost 25c. talk about the wild west …

(it's not a matter of choosing another company, we're in a monopoly situation here.)

recently things improved – now i pay $105 a month and i can download up to 2gb without additional charges.

whenever i read about 'killer apps' to get people onto broadband (what, streaming video?) i just laugh. a couple of hours of that and i'm over the limit.

back to the topic – if he violated the eula, the isp should have terminated his contract and perhaps gone to court for the costs. they appear to have gone completely overboard.
by spacejock

humm…(10:42pm est fri nov 22 2002)
if i where them i would have grabbed the dvd player. vhs is sooo outdated. by c.i.a.
re: grow da f#$k up!(11:12pm est fri nov 22 2002)
tell me what you know about the blocks & buckeye. so, the death penalty is ok for this. people uncap all over the nation. why just toledo? a strong msg to enemies with kids.
is 1 of my cable favs. by tech
i wonder what his neighbours think(12:57am est sat nov 23 2002)
i wonder what his neighbours think. sharing, effectively, the same line as him and losing some of their bandwidth while he “cruised” along. by bastard bob
welcome to bushland(2:35am est sat nov 23 2002)
now that bush controls both houses you can expect more of the same. business is king and your right don't mean a damn.

they took the man's vcr?? i bet the took all his doughnuts and coffee too. i think civil law has been broken here but how do you stop the fbi.

thank you all for voting the bush way. i just heard on the news that they are about to pass a law that will allow oil drilling in the nature perserves in alaska and yellowstone park.

welcome to bushland

where business counts and you don't

by rax

dsl(2:39am est sat nov 23 2002)
i am glad i passed on cable and installed dsl. i get 5 static ips so i can run my web/mail server at home. my desktop gets it's mail at 100mb/s. i love it.

by rax

grr(7:13am est sat nov 23 2002)
this country is going to hell. the government (our servants) has become a whiny bloated bohemoth and has lost all respect for the people who pay their salaries, and who are supposed to tell them what to do.

both the iv'th and the viii'th amendments to the u.s. constitution were violated here by there government in this case

the judge who issued the warrant, and the agents who executed it are should go to prison. the people who violated their internet service contracts should have their internet service downgraded or removed at the disgression of the isp.
by constitutionallawyer

pacifists(7:19am est sat nov 23 2002)
people should quit sitting on their asses and do something about the incompetence that exists within our own government. write your senators!

things like this should never occur. whenever the government does anything that is so obviously against the will of the people, officials should immediately start loosing jobs.
by constitutionallawyer

ever heard of backups?(9:06am est sat nov 23 2002)
the fool should have backed up his crummy drm software. nothing is forever and certainly computers fail. seizure, theft, fire, it doesn't matter, it still needs to be backed up and preferably off-site, in his car or a safe deposit box, even a friend's house is better than trusting a $70 harddisk. by idiot savant
100mb/s really?(9:07am est sat nov 23 2002)
i thought the docsis standard was only capable of 27mb/s. interesting.
by guess i was wrong
are you kidding me(9:34am est sat nov 23 2002)
what a waste of fbi man power, why didn't the isp just stop service for the people violating the tos. what a joke. by dash
hey assdude(10:49am est sat nov 23 2002)
ooohhhh… ya you got me there… the only problem is the tax is not because people are stealing blank cds… its a third party that pushed it through… it would be like a tax on scissors because people use them to shoplift by cutting the tags off… sure they're used for other things but common, we have this huge shoplifting problem, and scissors must be the cause…

and mycrotch, i have no idea how much the artist gets, probably nothing if i know the riaa… but thats not my problem, my problem is i make one “illegal” cd for every 10 legit cd's i make. so your 50 cents or whatever it is now becomes 5 bucks. and they know they have a goldmine because they will be upping the ante soon… and not that i personally pay for them, but i've burned off probably a thousand cd's at work, and not one was used to burn music.

get the idea, jackasses? just wait until files are too big to fit on cd's and we'll all have dvd's… how much do you think the music industry will want to take then? by booooooo!

re: constitutionallawyer(11:39am est sat nov 23 2002)
right on. this happens every day at national isps. i worked for 1 for 6 months & all we did was reset the modem software & send an email threatening to cut them off if they didn't stop.
geek unite. congresswoman
marcy kaptor is an incredible person. she has voted her conscience on every vote. there are many votes (like war on iraq) where she is one of a few that has had the guts to say & vote what she feels is right, not just party lines or what's politically correct. please write her & tell her that she needs to look into this. thanks. by tech
oh boy….(3:17pm est sat nov 23 2002)
…more informed uninformation than anyting else lately it seems. they likely took his vcr and other equipment to hold if a case develops, as then they could scan it for evidence he'd been downloading pirated movies, hot software, stolen credit card info, etc. if the feds do business as usual they'd make a case with 20 or 30 charges but he'd be allowed to plead guilty to one and walk. oooooh, another bad guy off the streets.

i think as a civil seizure they could hold it, but require a warrant to actually riffle throught it, although lawyer types in the audience would probably know better than me.

as for the people saying “don't do the crime if you can't do the time,” what gives? breaking a service contract doesn't equate to a couple of years in club fed, by rights this was something more the fcc would have been involved in.

there's also a statute about sending a threat via interstate communication, if they enforced that then half the usenet would probably have to shut down. make the punishment fit the crime, but enough of this biz . by ziwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi

cd-r tax(7:22pm est sat nov 23 2002)
uhh… that “tax” issued by the riaa only applies to music cd-rs. you know, the kind that cost an arm and a leg above the regular “100 cd's for $20” data cds? the only blank cds that can be put into a standalone cd burner? if you're getting those bulk packages you're giving nothing to the riaa. of course, you won't be able to use them on you new panasonic cd burner that you hooked up to your stereo, but what self respecting geek would shell out cash for those rip-offs anyway? by js
jefferson(1:55am est sun nov 24 2002)
where are you from, jackass? weak sheep…bs. by fv(k3r
bah(8:23am est sun nov 24 2002)
this is why our fbi can't fight terrorism… too busy busting cable modem overcappers. by haha
unreal(10:37am est sun nov 24 2002)
our hard earned money at work! if the fbi spent more time doing what they should be doing, instead of protecting the interests of big companies perhaps the twin towers would still be standing.

hell, it wouldn't suprise me if our government knew about the plot from the beginning. what better way to get people to give up a little more freedom. scare the crap out of the people and they will give up all the freedom you want. what, you want to tap my phone? sure! go ahead.. read my email you say, why not. its a small price to pay for national security! ya right!

security and freedom are an illusion! don't believe me, refuse to pay your taxes and watch your freedom go out the window. money is power! by ebcdic

how do i do it????(12:59pm est sun nov 24 2002)
i want to know how i too, can uncap my modem. if the fuckers comes to my door i'll shoot their fucking heads right off their shoulders…

fbi cant fight terrorism because they *are* the terrorists, and only the stupid sheep like mentality people don't see it clearly. by uncap me baby, yeah!

How To Uncap Download Speed
society is spoiled(1:48pm est sun nov 24 2002)
every crime has a punishment. this punishment doesn't fit the crime. none of us are innocent. this is in a issue of myopic thinking, the government is spoiled. “governments” have criminalized their people to create a working class in the past, i hope history doesn't repeat itself. by sick
why is the us government is soo corrupt?(2:24pm est sun nov 24 2002)
i really enjoyed reading all the banter here…. why do you think the us gov. has soo much power? why has the us gov. got so powerfull??

imho – the magority of us residents don't truely appreciate all the nasties that their goverment pushs on other nations…just because some us residents were on the receiving end this time, everybody feels violated.

these practices have been steadily growing over the last few years. starting in mid 90s with m$ windozs. the us patent office has been making criminals out of everyone with enough intelligence to come up with a better way to do something inventive with their computer.

the us patent office… hindering innovation for over 100 years!! by concernedcanuck

how to uncap without legal issues(11:52pm est sun nov 24 2002)
the 3 step program for a trouble free uncapped connection

1. a cable modem subscription
2. a computer
3. oj simpson

this is your safest bet. by tool

How To Uncap Text

bullcrap twe pay them good money (5:24am est mon nov 25 2002)
i give these guys my thumbsup 50 to 100 dollars and then the serivce doesint even give you what they say they will and worse you can't upload files to family like digital video

thats what broadband was made for but with these little pricks riaa and shit cable companys have a excuse

bull fucking shit by wg

who got hurt ?(7:32am est mon nov 25 2002)
this guy did not steal anything. the bandwith was there all the time. it is not likely that he even compromised any other customer's service. if butthead cable knew that he running wide open, they could have charged him for it or shut him off.
cable companies are monopolies and limiting levels of service when the full service is available at the wire in your home is stupid. there have been cable pirates from the beginning and there always will be.
if this guy was clever enough to uncap his modem, he should have thought of spoofing or modifing his modem”s id. by rcaman
the corporate nightmare!!(7:49am est mon nov 25 2002)
this is the future folks! not just in the usa either, it's comming to a country near you! although , as usual the us leads the way while political parties are funded by “campaign contributions” & “professional lobyists”, whose voice really get's heard?
as for the fbi raiding the premesis of a bunch of “modem modders” it's just more evidence of the corporate bullyboys intimidating the public ( why didn't you take wirtz's underwear too!)
all that was necessary, was terminations of their connections & confiscation of the modems!
“government by the corporations for the polititions” and the people?? well we're just here to pay their taxes!!

by lab-rat

this is bull(9:06am est mon nov 25 2002)
these guys can sue the cable company and the fed govt. since there is no limit on how much you can download sizewise, by uncapping the modem you are not costing the company anything really, except maybe some 12 year old getting a little higher ping response in the building next to you… by 12
js(9:35am est mon nov 25 2002)
i didn't know in the states they made that distinction. in canada however, they don't. i looked it up, its 21 cents right now, and they are trying to bump it up to 50. i got my info from this site: #anchor-10636

1) until recently, individuals who taped songs off the radio or made copies of cds they had purchased, say, for use in the tape deck in their car, infringed copyright. the home taping regime, which is now in force as the result of an act of parliament, changed this. individuals are now allowed to copy a sound recording of a musical work onto an audio recording medium (e.g. an audiocassette) for their own private use. by boooo!

wow(9:36am est mon nov 25 2002)
he was getting over 100mb/s???..thats incredible! lets see..our cable co. provides customers with a 3mb/s download for $29.99/month. that is screaming fast for residential service. do you realize he is theoretically hogging the bandwidth of 33 accounts…maxed!! although, i disagree with the fbi tactics (if it was really the way it was portrayed), this guy needs to be punished for stealing bandwidth. by bentheworm
showing uncapped?(9:40am est mon nov 25 2002)
couldn't someone design a way to have all of the modems showing as uncapped when they are not to throw off the investigation?

if everyone had some simple device which threw off the moitoring, everyone could get one and they wouldn't know who's door to knock on.. by grayhat

pay backs a bitch(10:25am est mon nov 25 2002)
buckeye cablesystem should now be a hacker target. they should be punished by the user community for taking advantage of the legal system. there were other more civil ways for them to seek justice. this calls for severe dos attacks. take em down… by wrath rules
crimes(10:40am est mon nov 25 2002)
if the fbi can take everything that they did then they need to do the same for the big corps. when they do some thing wrong like mess up your service then they should have all not offending equipment taken. eye for an eye. by bull
the future net sucks(9:21pm est mon nov 25 2002)
first off let the crime fit the punishment!!! they told this and others stuff on purpose so they can keep it or sell it at a police auction.

we will all have high-speed internet someday but with all the laws and people watching you, you won't be able to do anything.

maybe read your email but only if it is blessed. and maybe news site if you pay $100 a month. but man will the text load fast on the high-speed since that will be all you can do with it. since everything else would be illegal

i'll be able to tell my kids “i was able to download and lessen to free music from the net (if all this crap keeps up, from the other side of plexiglas in jail)

to me the usa doesn't = freedom anymore it = corporations making $$$$ on us little guys. and figure out ways to get more of it if the have to us laws, they will.

i wish all us smart people on the net would get some balls and take a stand and say we won’t take it anymore. the raping of the american working class is bull shit and just will never stop because we don’t have the $$$$ for lawyers and i don’t know one that will work for free but co’s can buy buildings full of them and get out of anything and find ways to get more $$$ from us. by the peoples voice

buckeye needs boycotting (9:28pm est mon nov 25 2002)
buckeye needs a black eye

tell the blocks and paul shryock and all that was involved to kiss my hairy ass!!!

i feel sorry for the people that live in toledo that the have to put up with this shit!!! by leave toledo or bust

the peoples voice!(2:20pm est tue nov 26 2002)
here here!!

well said m8 – if it weren't fir those greedy bastards you talk of you'd probably still have the wtc buildings (no offence)

the world doesn't hate america for no reason, its because the government are corporate whores that act like the big snotty kid everyone hates at school by yada yada

stfu(2:11am est wed nov 27 2002)
to, the peoples voice, leave toledo or bust, and yada yada, and many others, you dumb f**k heads cry, whine, bitch and moan all you want, but the bottom line is you asked for it, your good old boy george w. is the one who is f**king you in the ass, but you never learn, dumb dip shits. just shut up. by whackedout
legally(12:52am est thu nov 28 2002)
couldnt he have blamed it on a child realitive he knew, so that he would not be held accountable, and the could could not be tried as an adult either.
this is a stupid post so ignore it, im going to bed by matt
from one of the “indicted”(8:10pm est tue dec 03 2002)
i feel really sad for those guys, including me. this was a major conspiracy…collusion by co. prosecutor, toledo blade, & julia time for them…phuk your enemies, get press, look cool..stuff.
if you agree that this was an abuse of power by the toledo blade-buckeye espress in collusion with the (“please write good things about me”)lucas co.prosecutor's office, then please feel free to let the block communications lackey, paul shryock, who initiated this gestapo action (and got promoted for it, by the way)know how you feel remotely or in person. pertinent info follows:

paul & lana shryock
7838 westcroft drive (on the curve)
sylvania, oh 43560-1864
home phone: 1-419-885-5181 (call anytime & collect, if you wish)
business # (never available, so leave him voicemail): 1-419-724-7277
e-mail: (feel free to spam the hell out of this fat little man)

read more if you care:

more to follow…now have credit report, compensation history, epworth united methodist church records, stuff…gonna be fun & you can help take this guy down..& thanks if you do!
(this douchebag is a christian? – not) by blockhead

to hell with cable corp(9:31pm est wed jan 08 2003)
its abuse of power, i don't think its stealing, the damn cable companies have a monopoly so how is this really hurting them. by god
idiots(6:11pm est sun jan 26 2003)
i can't belive you idiots are saying this crap. “its not stealing” wtf are you thinking??? you really belive that bandwidth just comes from the sky?? someone is paying for the gigs upon gigs of extra unallocated bandwidth that these people are stealing. shut the f*ck up and deal with the bandwidth you are allocated. don't like it?? buy more! its simple as that! by guy who hates idiots
marcy kaptor(3:06pm est sat mar 08 2003)
i love marcy kaptor and she stands against all the lies of the government. god bless marcy kaptor . our founding fathers where a bunch of murderers . by alex jones
marcy kaptor (3:09pm est sat mar 08 2003)
the state of ohio believes the lying mainstream media . marcy kaptor id a wonderfull person and she doesnt lie like all the newsmedia and council people. by alex jones
marcy kaptor(3:12pm est sat mar 08 2003)
the new world order is here and the military and police are now forming . then they will turn on the police and set up the new world order and it is happening now . the road to tyranny . all democrats need to download it for free. i love marcy kaptor by alex jones
wtol -loves marcy kaptor(3:16pm est sat mar 08 2003)
jerry anderson is a christian and believes we need to join together and have a meeting on the road to tyranny tape by alex jones. what a tape . osama bin laden was in a american hospital in the middle east with the cia. look it up on the internet. by jerry anderson
??(11:55pm est sun mar 16 2003)
there is many distractions today in the usa. 1 the iraq war. conviently this war is distracting people long enough for others to get under their nose's.

what should and does not happen in it is not enough crime.

we need more it crime…and we need it now!!!!!!.

think im crazy. look at crime in general. 100 years ago if you stole you could easily hang in the middle of town square. today…since more and more people steal…you get rehab for 5 days.

look at murder…same thing.

the more crime any part of society see's is what make's the law's change.

desensitize it crime yourself and do some very very….very bad things with i.t. get ruthless. try to fram senator's, congress men, high profiled business men. try to hack their box, upload kiddy p0rn…and stream it off their server. whatever you do…dont forget there just isnt enough crime on the internet today.

tommorrow, i hope too see a well know political/business figure go to jail for cyber crime.

thank you for your time. by awake

??(12:28am est mon mar 17 2003)
i just want to clear something up about my above post. i, for the love of some god, am not envolved with kiddie porn.

also im not for crime..actually 100% against it.

i hope all you us citizens here realize something though. this country was and still, and always will be founded on mutiny and murder. mutiny happened hundreds of years ago when we seaperated our self from the ones who got us here…england. murder from killing off all the native americans. these are the facts!!!. many people forget what the usa is founded on.

i love this country and never want to live anywhere else…but i understand how it works. it works very well. the usa would not be what it is today without that mutiny and murder.

now does that mean it was right? no…but from these very sad things are what give us the chance to sit here today and read these posts.

out of very sad things…comes great things.

i just wish the usa government would wake up and realize that there is more money in how we think than their current old traditions. if they could only see how free thinking could put more power and money in their pockets it would be great.

for the man who lost his vcr, smarcards, and the whole lot…im sorry. you didnt deserve that, that is just the way this country is. realize that and strike back with vengance. i wish the best of luck to you and all like you. dont give up.

btw…dont shrug at this, but what does posting on such board as these really do beside's creating a “bridge club gossip”.

about this comment –> “only a nation of weak sheep would put up with this crap. – by jefferson”

straight up, fuc you jefferson. have you tried to help. no you live as sheep aswell. get a clue and realize if you either a. pay tax's or b. live under government….your as much as a sheep as the rest of us. answer to that is no!!!! because your typing along with the rest of us. keep your mouth shut and realise your the “pot who called the kettle black” by awake

shylock(6:28pm est thu may 15 2003)
i can't help but notice the similarity in name. by skyrocket
wtf(1:43am est sat jul 19 2003)
this is like shooting a person for jaywalking. this country should revert to a dictatorship (under my authority). by nick

How To Uncap Download Speed Windows 10

hmmmmm(4:07am est thu jul 24 2003)
i say guilty, lesser penalty, pay a fine, lose your service. fbi does not need to be involved. i wonder if they got him for having a vcr tape with a piece of tape over the record tab thing? it's just another example of how big brother feels they need to control us, so the corporate high horses can make their bucks to pay big brother back for the raiding of peoples houses…such a vicious circle. by hellebender
vcr(6:27pm est wed jul 30 2003)
well, buckeye cable provides cable tv along with the cable internet, so if his vcr was hooked up to the cable tv connection (the coaxial cable), technically they can take anything that used buckeye's service.

it sucks though and isn't fair. people who actually steal things from stores (shoplifting) usually get a slap on the wrist and some probation.

these guys didn't even directly steal anything.

the punishment just doesn't fit the crime. by mr roboto

people come on!!!!(1:38am est mon aug 04 2003)
think whoever agrees with the deep pocketed stingy assholes at the cable co that is strangling the bandwidth is an idiot. we are paying a premiem price and were promissed from the get go we would be fast. when i first bought into the cable isp connection there were no dam docsis compatible modems and i was flying around the net like a lightening bolt. now it has become so slow its not worth the near $50 per month to have. it is people like you yellow bellies on here making this country turn to shit in a hand basket. most likely still living with momma at age 30 with no life. lets face it people if someone dropped a million dollars on your doorstep you would'nt ask where it came from you would take it and run “if you had any brains” theft is everywhere and hacking is here to stay as it has from the beginning of the internet. if you can't handle it get off the web and cry in the corner. i say cheers to any mother that has screwed any large company out of time, money, or a big secret. you forget who foots the bill u!!!! they dont loose a dime nor a minutes sleep over it. wont be long before this country allows corperations to charge for air. well let me reflect on that “they are” dtv and dishnet charge 11.8 million customers for what they are bouncing around in space for 6 years now. then suing the hell out of a smart individuel for grabbing it and using it. go figure the fcc allows illegal cable boxes but you get a $10,000 fine for being smart enough to grab a signal out of the air. if there were no det. looking for a few peeps stealing whats broadcast over the net there would be more murders solved and the street where you live would be safer. by superfly
rediclious(8:42pm est mon sep 01 2003)
screw the terrorists, murderers, and rapiests, lets nail the kids uncapping their modem! … time to get the priorities straight by the great pjdj
this just prooves….(1:14am est mon jan 26 2004)
first off, if these people are actually able to steal this type of speeds, then this just prooves that we as american citizens are getting ripped off for not being able to buy and have such speeds. it is obvious that technology is at a stage of speeds surpassing 100 meg/sec and that these speeds should be allowed to be bought/used by public. next point “say, a data transfer between hospitals regarding the medication allergies of a particular patient about to be wheeled into surgery)” this fucko doesnt know wth he is talking about. the cable modem companies have an assload of bandwith to use and not even god himself could slow down a medical prodcedure. that is just pure stupidity at its finest. these people should have been punished, but fbi? i mean come on, wtf is going on, microsoft getting involved also. fuck microsoft their whole regime was based on a rich ugly basterd who stole the idea from someone else and made billions off it. microsoft is nothing but a bunch of money loving fucks and they can suck 100 meg/ of cock in their faces. to top it all off their fucking windows operating systems become obsolete every two hours. honestly how many times and how many people here have had to reinstall windows hourly because it decides to put its monitor head up its mother board ass. down and out of it, microsoft sucks dick, the fbi lies, steals, and cheats and punishes people for exactly what the bandwith stealers did, and that the people should be fined, and justly punished but not to an extreme by ash
i am confused…(8:49pm est thu feb 05 2004)
…by anyone who states they broke the law. it never states they stole x amount of bandwidth just that the modem was uncapped at speeds of up to 100 mb/sec which the provider couldn't even meet. and it was an estimate they gave without proof, since when does an estimate of damage without any backing proof provide evidence of fact.

now some may argue the fcc has rules against this but i have seen no mention in this article or has anyone provided a fcc number for the law that would affect.

i think the incident was a bit extreme and it does show how much corporations rulle things.

blah.blah.blah. by fred

usa and the law(12:07am est sat mar 20 2004)
i think people in the usa are getting more and more scared. you are living in a fear society. and need to be violent and “feel the law” to be a lamb.
your bombs destroys countries and kills thousands and thousands with only an oil reason and you agree with that, but if someone uncap a modem its good to be punished.
¿when will you wake up? by will-you?
uncapping is a software tweak?(1:37am est sat apr 10 2004)
if uncapping is a software tweak how can they charge this guy with stealing? are we not free to tweak our windows or linux systems to adjust to our needs and if some slob biast buy-us newspapper co. picks up the slack cause their nimblemindedness,then good, cause you cant steal data, its all 1's and 0's, power on power off and the rate at whitch.. its not stealable…..this just sounds like another link of liberty broken off the chain of freedom to me… anon, ak-a smieth….that's right fed piggys smieth, lets see ya traceroute me all the way through china and korea… i know youve been investigating…hahahaha… and its john smieth not jeff smieth stupid fbi detectives by john smieth
lame cable companies(5:25pm est tue jun 22 2004)
they charge you money then complain that you're using too many ip addresses or too much bandwidth or you download too much…

now what kind of business sets up a system where the users/clients can have a free for all on their system?

they're the ones who created the problem and then they go to “big brother” to solve it… like whinny little kids!
by anonymous

ummm….(6:18pm est mon jul 12 2004)
now granted this company abused the law imho by involving the fbi..

however, for those of you thinking that bandwidth is just sitting there waiting to be used – lemme tell ya – it costs megabucks to have that bandiwdht just sitting there – and like it or not, these folks who hacked there modems to get more up/down usage did violate the law…its called bandwidth theft – plain and simple.

is this a felony? i would not think so, but saldy in this case the provider was able to lie about the estimate cost impact and get the charge elevated.

also, stop comparing everything to bill gates and microsoft – get a clue people… by amazed…

signal theft(11:31am est fri nov 19 2004)
i asked my best friend, a viacom field supervisor, what they do when they catch someone getting hbo without paying for it. he said he would disconnect their faulty equipment and then send in a sales rep. the customer obviously enjoys hbo, wants to avoid implied prosecution, and so almost always begins paying for it. my friend said his company doesn't make money via prosecution, but rather by selling signal (or bandwith).

funny, geeks like us wouldn't steal merchandise from a business that was accidently left unlocked, but we'll often go after intellectual property if we can get it through creative use of technology. we send in contributions for shareware while stealing from uncle bill (and then some will try to defend themselves by claiming, “he virtually stole his os and the mac gui”).

ps bill g. – i finally broke down and bought windows, but if i had wanted a mac, i would have bought one. by medic420

old topic, but what the hell…(12:23pm est mon dec 27 2004)
alright, fucktards, let me set some of you idiotic theories straight.

1: “its just bandwidth, its not stealing”. wake up retards. the cable companies sell various levels of service, each with a progressively higher bandwidth. they also cost more. if you pay for the lowest level of service, and then uncap your modem, you’re essentially stealing the cost difference. no matter if the system has the spare bandwidth, you were offered the service, and chose a cheaper one. deal with the bandwidth you purchased, and don’t whine if you get your ass kicked for doing otherwise.

2. “the artists get royalties from the cd-rs.” its already been addressed that the royalties only come from music cd-rs, which boo, by no doubt leaves on the store shelf. so instead, i’ll just say this: rationalize it any way your have to. whatever lets you sleep at night.

3. “wow, getting over 100mb/sec?” read the post, dumbasses. he claimed his desktop was getting his mail at 100mbps. he also claimed he was running a mail server, meaning his desktop had a lan connection to the mail server. attention to detail, morons.

4. future posts: “wow, youlosers was an asshole.” i just spent twenty minutes reading through numerous “our government is corrupt but i’m too lazy to do anything about it, or (better yet), leave the f***ing country” posts. i’m running on four hours of sleep. stupidity like this hurts my brain right now. i’m cranky, get off me.
by youlosers

fascinating snapshot of relativistic values(2:48pm est mon dec 27 2004)
the original post and discussion is
a fascinating snapshot of contemporary
america and where it is headed.

on one side we have the impotent, foolish meek seeking fairness in a darwinian world. on the other we have the self-righteous and the avaricious protecting their interests and whatever cost or ideology necessary. in between we have the parasitic, who feign to resemble either so that they may benefit at the margins of this temporarily evolutionary stable arrangement.

should anyone really marvel at the irony that as a society we now spend approximately $250,000/person to “right” the “wrong” due to “cable modem uncapping”, some $1,600,000/person/yr to kill iraqis, yet only $150/death to act as “good sumaritans” to address environmental disasters as the recent tsumani that has devastated se asia? all the while, the new “moral majority” proclaims that ours is a “christian” nation?

values in our “christian” society are truly relative aren't they? to deny otherwise would be the ultimate blasphemy. if god exists, may she have mercy on our souls. if he doesn't, natural selection will certainly take care of the rest. by agnostic apostle

price gouging(12:07am est tue dec 28 2004)
most cable providers rip their customer off…badly. cable uncapping should be legal.
it is perplexing that the cost for 1.5 megabits was $57 for comcast and then they raised their speed to 3.5 with no price hike, hmm thats wierd.
either technology is really cheap, and their just ripping people off because they can afford to do anything to attract customers, or their really generous, i think you know which assuption is correct. everybody should uncap. technology is so cheap, it only cost about $1 per 1mbit or even less per mbit, line/service rent is $14. in reality, service should only cost under $20 for cable internet at 3.5mbits, and comcast is still making money. i am uncapped to 500mbits, but i recieve more than a fifth by anon
fbi do some work!!!(4:52pm est sun jan 23 2005)
ok, timewarner cable is a local cable company around my area who offers broadband service, i think all places should approach the persons themselves or recap there modems. the fbi has to feel special doing something like these small time issues than actually going out and fighting these people who sell drugs at school and shit everyday, not this crap about ohh no they uncapped there cable modems sentence = no life anymore!!! i like how i have to pay the crappyness of $500/mo just for having standard cable and timewarner broadband like we have a choice. they rip us off like for standard packages for local home user, they block ports like 21 and 80 and 8080 so they can't host there own website. if they can rip us off oh believe me i'll rip them off i get my share of stuff. by cablemodem uncapper
f*ck the fbi and the government(12:07pm est mon mar 21 2005)
alrite, for all you people out there that came here to try and uncap your modem.. don't let the government stop you they feel the need to bust what they call hackers, but my deffinition is one who finds a new and creative solution to a problem or obstacle. all you need to do is learn what they know but exploring the web, i own 90% of the software any government agency has… its all out there and hell most of it you can find free!!! so fight for your rights don't let ppl in rent-a suits stop the expansion and exploration of new means of problem solving!! by cracker john

How To Uncap Download Speed On Ps4

warning?(3:41pm est sun mar 26 2006)
i keep see people saying they should have warned them, well they did byt he agreement they signed as being read. if they didn't read it, then they should not have signed it. i think taking the computer, a fine and banning from that isp would be suitable. by me
reality guys….(9:58am est sun jun 11 2006)
1. who knows how many people they had let off the hook before they finally decided to make it known they were not going to allow this behavior anymore.

2. is it a crime? yes. stealing of bandwidth is still stealing. just because you are not getting that 4 mbps downstream their websites advertise doesn't give you the right to steal the difference. not too mention, you should read the tos, it says they do not garauntee the advertised speeds.

3. put yourself in the cable providers shoes for a moment. let's say you are the sole profiter, and now you are having people steal bandwidth from loyal paying cutomers, much like yourselves, would you be worried about maintaining a customer base?

3. after all cable is a “hub” community, with upload saturation. mr. wirtz says he needed to transfer a few large files. if he was uploading while unacpped for 16 hours, that would have been 16 hours that everyone in his area would have suffered a diminished connection. he even set it to 100mbps which is theoretically impossible. last time i checked, cable coax could only handle about 50mbps on the high end frequencies. had he not been so greedy, punishment might have been lighter.

4. he said he ran uncapped for 16 hours, who knows how many other times. he was simply caught this time.

5. i have seen alot of “off-the-wall” suggestions within these comments, i'd advise all of you seriously reading them, to seek the advice of someone who knows what is truly happening. call the cable company, they will tell you their policy up front on uncapping. come on america, educate yourselves. by tc

reality guys…. continued(9:59am est sun jun 11 2006)

6. unfortunately, in america, we have both conservatives, and liberalists. so these comments get way out of whack by the more extreme of the two sides. i wouldn't really take any forum or comment listing to be good sound advice, not even what i have mentioned (being fair and honest). please research.

7. know the laws, which could be difficult, considering an ex assistant prosecutor was amidst those guilty mr. runner). hell the hidden camera used to record mr. runner was unlawfully implemented.

8. amidst all my rambling, i must admit, i believe that bring in the fbi was a bit harsh, but acceptable. at no point in time during the process of learning how to uncap a cable modem will encounter it is leagally safe to do this, in fact, you'll find do not do this! posted everywhere. they knew what they were doing, and they knew it was wrong.

9. in matter of education, scholars, or to understand how uncapping works, i think it might have been forgiveable, as long as they tried it, seen it worked, and finally discontinued their actions. but it didn't go down like that.

10. to all those people that will be “that tc guy is a f*cking retard”, i have only this to say, i have a b.s. in information systems security (cissp, mcse). i don't take kindly to someone stealing confidential data from our systems, exploiting company computers for personal gain, or tolerate the attempt of unauthorized access to system services and/or resources. all of which are stealing from the company in one way or another. people need to look at the situation ethically, and from both sides. by tc

the only one fully indicted.(3:56am est tue jun 27 2006)
i know this is old but i'd like to clear up a couple things. first off, we didn't get 100mbps. not even close to that. i was able to get 3mbps down and 1mbps up. at the time the only pricing plan available was 1.5mbps down and 128k up. there was no option to purchase more speed. the fbi took every cd in my house including music discs and blank media, every computer related book or magazine (including school textbooks). i eventually got some of that stuff back about half a year later.

did i know that what i was doing was wrong? yes
do i think the punishment fit the crime? no. losing thousands of dollars in equipment, losing data, paying thousands in fines and court costs, getting a felony and going to jail just doesn't seem right to me. when it all came to an end, i was the only one charged. i know i was singled out for a personal reason that i won't get into here. the people that run buckeye cable are as crooked as they come and alot of people in toledo are aware of it. by tb